We now have a few bad habits creeping in with the use of HSNO storage cabinets within the laboratory that needs to be addressed:
i) use of the cabinet bunded area;
ii) quantities before safety zones apply and keeping amounts stored to a minimum.
We use corrosives, toxic, solvents and I do have the particular clauses, practical guide but at the moment feel a bit overwhelmed with the information. I am actually just frustrated you can only remind people so many times that I don't have words anymore. I do know the process/SOP to be updated to be specific to hold leaders accountable.
The bunded area capacity for safety cabinets are: 30 litre cabinet - 23 litre; 60 litre cabinet - 23 litre, and 100 litre cabinet - 67 litre. What if you have multiple breakage that is more than 23 litre?
If you would like to meet with me online I am open for that as well.