Safety statistics and classifications Hi Steph
For starters I would start with looking at starting with a risk profile by establish what risk are in your business, what incidents could happen which would lead to these risks and what controls you would put in place to mitigate the risk.
Start simple by drawing up a table with the following heading:
Risk Identification
Events that could cause possible harm
Rating (stick to medium, high or low)
Monitoring mechanism
Once done you can look at the "events" column and do your classifications. This is best done in a group environment.
Worksafe around the block is a good starting point to get an idead of the different potential classifications and contols
Keep the classifications simple e.g
Property damage covers vehicle, plant and equipment
Near miss is a accident that almost happens
Injury is anything that touches the body (Report only, First Aid Injury, Medical Treatment Injury, Loss Time Injury and Fatality)
Secuity - theft
Community - effect other businesses
Environmental - oil spills
Tracy R