Do audits detect those all-important weak signals? My thinking:
When an audit happens, the site will put their best foot forward which might, and I say might, not be the actual state of work at any given time. Yes, this is needed and I have seen, having recently moved to Australia(Brisbane) in CC Infrastructure, those on the frontline are really eager to understand what is being audited and take on board what is talked about at the audits(we have an internal compliance/ audit team) and I tag along to my sites to support my frontline staff(Civil Construction) - Improvement Opportunities are needed and we have seen the sites and staff come a long way since January with having the correct documents needed onsite for High Risk work(SWMS, Pre-starts and Risk Assessments, etc) - but the understanding that they need to make it site specific and not generic was a challenge, understanding that they are "allowed" to touch and and change paper work(generic stuff) on site to be more site specific and my team being present at the audits, has built more confidence. We had member of the public report us to WHSQ that our mobile plant was too close to the road, we did not know an inspector went out and watched the work being done for an hour, the inspector then presented himself(did not have his white card on him.....) and then looked at the documentation - and the site passed with flying colours, this I dont think would have been the case 12months earlier. Sorry If I have been rambling on and totally missed the point :)
Oh and we were compliant with the proximity of the mobile plant to the road too :)