Hi, I would like to have your thought around risk for the following scenario:
We are considering transporting school children to/from schools to enable us to cope with cutting fruit samples in the mornings and/or afternoons.
Currently, they get to our premises on their own but if we have an 8 people mover then we will be able to increase our pool of casual workers. I feel a bit uncomfortable about this.
We do have a safe driving and vehicle policy so fatigue, etc are already covered.
Police check of driver(s), passenger service endorsement and camera monitoring, COF for people mover, reading through Land Transport Rules, provisions for exemptions don't seem to cover this situation which occurs a lot, with many employers picking up staff and running them out to a building site each morning and back at the end of day in a van/people mover.
Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Rule 1999 26 When passenger endorsement required
(1) A person must hold a passenger endorsement if that person drives—
(a)a motor vehicle that is operated in a passenger service; or
(b) [Revoked]
(2)Despite subclause (1),a passenger endorsement is not required if the transport is provided
in any of the following situations:
(a)when the motor vehicle is an ambulance being used in an ambulance service; or
(b)when an employer is providing transport for the employer’s employees and the driver is an
employee of that employer; or