Hopefully we all remember last summer and the higher than normal temperatures over a prolonged period. I've been watching the situation in the northern hemisphere and their extremes this year, so we all seem to be going through a period of warmer weather than normal. It's a challenge to deal with especially when many companies are doing blanket PPE wearing. So let's put all our workers into as much PPE as possible them nothing can happen! I often find that many companies haven't or don't think about this wearing PPE can increase health and safety risks till its too late.
So from a heat point of view one of the free tools for non-specialists is a level 1 tool available from app stores. It's called "Thermal Risk" and was put together by Woolongong. It's designed for use by employers etc for guidance and also as a training tool to illustrate the many factors that impact heat stress in hot environments including wearing PPE. So if you fancy thinking about warmer times to come have a look it may be useful.