
  • RAT Discussion on Limitations
    As a COVID-19 positive patient (at home) I can confirm first hand that I had been receiving those negative RAT results when symptomatic until around day 4. With a mild scratchy throat, I conducted RAT's on Day 1 then Day 3 receiving negatives which seems to be in line with what many workplaces are seeing. Went into work the next day thinking the throat was just a casual chill and was not contemplating anymore testing. But thanks to regular temperature checks, on arrival to work I found an slightly elevated temp from normal (we check everyday), conducted a third RAT and voila a positive result. I have since heard of similar symptoms across other workplaces where they are also receiving some negatives, some positives but treating symptoms as likely positives and staying home. Headache and a dry/scratchy throat is a very common symptom from the start FYI and the non contact thermometer was a winner here for sure.
  • Position Paper on Cannabis
    Matt - completely concur with everything you have said.

    Potentially if the result from the referendum happens to be a 'yes' and legalisation becomes a reality, we may see more non-negative results coming through as people increase social use during the weekend alongside alcohol. On the Monday however, one substance may fail a test as non-negative or 'impaired' and the other pass with Zero micrograms per litre of breath no matter how much fatigue is felt from either. If the frequency of failures increase for the reason of "it must still be leftover from Friday night", it is this I fear happening which may reduce the importance of our testing regimes in their current state.

    I understand that Saliva testing could provide the opportunity to balance the field of sensitivity between drugs to potentially measure closer to an "impairment" state, therefore not controlling the lifestyle decisions of those at home, however the standards are still comparatively new and companies are feeling safer continuing with the norm should the process be challenged through courts.
  • Level 1 vs overseas-owned pandemic requirements
    Hi Peter

    Not for our workplace personally but some of our local pulp and paper mills (Kawerau) are governed by those overseas restrictions still. Not so much restricting the work taking place but many project managers still working from home. May still be a good thing to help ease the return of the common flu and other viruses as staff slowly relax the excellent hygiene practices we have practiced over the last 6 weeks. We are about to trend our sick leave data at the end of July to compare to last year and hopefully show the positives of good distancing and hygiene controls.
  • Hand held infra red thermometer use
    My friend continues to work for an essential business and the workplace is utilising the infrared thermometer daily. However they share the role of this function around each worker allowing for bad handover/limited training hence he was told his temp was 96 the other day (person had left it on farenheit...).
  • Impact of pandemic on your H&S practice
    Sourcing extra equipment for cleaning has increased within the role but what has been good is that all managers have played a part in supporting the measures taken. They each have been proactively getting the message out and discussing alternative work arrangements with staff
  • Oxygen Bottle Regulator Explosions/Fires - How much do you really know?
    Excellent information Lee, thanks for sharing.
  • PEACE and LOVE
    Cheers Andrew. Happy with rabbit warrens and will start reading up.
  • PEACE and LOVE
    Surprised to hear the no to using anti inflammatories. Any medics on this forum to comment? With personal experience from lots of soft tissue injuries (non work related) compression has been excellent to help with swelling alongside anti inflammatories. If not during the initial phase but soon after?
  • Notifiable work - all contractors or only the main contractor to notify?
    Principle / main contractor is key. Then as sub-contractors, referring to the notification on your SSSP, ensuring you get updated information on any requirements (such as regular scaffold safe dates such as for a 5m scaffold), checking these yourselves and updating staff on any changes to the notified work.