Near Miss Reporting We only really collect the high potential ones - usually verbally as our guys do not access computers/phones.
We give safety rewards (vouchers, chocolate bars) for the better ones (high potential).
These are also up for nomination of our value awards - bigger voucher and newsletter announcement
Feedback to guys on what was done by their leader and big thank too. Writing this up (very simply) on the area white board so its visual and can prompt more thinking across the day/week
Serious near misses and the learnings are also tabled at the GM meeting with alot of positive feedback to the GM from MD/Safety Manager. Supevisors also given alot positive feedback on reporting them through.
Our new worker interactions(conversations) by each leader are also picking up some.
Agree with the about we have multiple methods - whiteboard, via toolboxes, suggestion box, worker interactions, md and board tours, during safety workshops.
One thing I want to try is for the person (if they are brave enough) who reported it to toolbox the learnings to their team and/or create a video clip share across the sites.