The right to disconnect Given the fact that we are looking at the psychosocial aspects of work nowadays this is a very important factor. I remember some companies in Germany in the mid 90's setting a self destruct function on the bosses email systems. That way if they tried to contact staff out of hours it was automatically deleted. This was to try and reduce stress factors on staff and allow them time off to recuperate from work. As someone who deals with the international set I get emails in at all times of the day so have set my system up to a "do not disturb" mode. That way at 10 pm my phone stops all emails (except my exemptions ie family) and doesn't reactivate emails, messaging etc till 6 am. I know a lot of other professionals like myself that have activated this feature on their devices to guarantee down time. Up to the individual what they set, and it doesn't stop you interacting with things, just means you're not being pinged or alerted to new messages.