
  • The Silliness of Zero Harm
    I do like the concept of "making things go right as often as possible". There will always be those who react poorly to terms like Zero Harm (and then conflate them with other strawman arguments) but goals need to be aspirational and inspirational. No one crosses the street for a 2% sale and no one is going to get excited about from the LTIFR by 3 points in a financial year.
  • Developing a strategy for H&S
    Having recently undertaken this the hardest part was deciding which things you will push out for a year or two. Health & Safety people are problem solvers and hate postponing actions.
  • Educating your board
    I second this but would add a chance for the board to talk to staff and ask them my favourite safety question "What frustrates you about this job?"
  • The Silliness of Zero Harm

    Hello Andrew,

    As far as you the terms you define as silly. Might I offer to translate them for you to remove some silliness.

    "Diversity" - Looking at your organsation and seeing if the are conscious or unconscious barriers to people joining or staying with the organization.

    "Equal pay/Gender Pay Gaps" - Looking at your organisation and seeing if jobs are sized based on tasks undertaken or if the role was traditionally undertaken by males or females.

    "Rainbow Tick" - Taking a look at your organization and seeing if there are conscious or unconscious barriers to people joining or staying with the organization based on sexual or gender identity.

    "Climate Emergency" - Taking a look at your organization and seeing if you can reduce the amount of damage being done to the environment

    "Zero Harm" - Taking a look at your organization and see what can be done to stop your people getting injured.

    Don't get hung up on labels. Look at the objectives. Are there any of these objectives that are things you would not like your organisation to do?
  • What do you measure and how do you measure it
    Waste oil will be a tricky one. The measure will mostly be around the containers. I have found a few in the bottom of skips rather than waiting for the recycling company.
  • Reparations to bystanders
    They could make an ACC claim.
    We can also cover mental injuries if you've experienced, seen or heard a traumatic event at
  • Safeguard income survey 2019
    Just a reminder: It would be completely unethical if everyone added 20K to their salaries and then we all took this to our next rem meeting.
  • Clarification around imposing penalties to sub trades
    The next question needs to be are you just using poor contractors and penalizing them rather than replacing them?
  • Fingerless Gloves

    That is my thoughts also. We are not talking about watchmakers here.
  • Hazard vs Risk Video

    This is great. For the management hierarchy I use an angry dog running around the site. The management ranges from sending the dog to go "live on a farm" to everyone wearing padded suits and having beware of the dog signs. It helps people to realize why we don't start with signs and high vis.
  • Work-as-imagined vs work-as-done: examples
    I had a similar one but they decide to wait until a stock truck drove in and stood on that.
  • Truck loading/unloading areas
    Driving down hill towards the The Terrace in Wellington. I stopped when I saw a pipe being lifted off the back of a truck by a construction site fixed crane. Had I not stopped I would have driven in to it. There were a couple of people (not in high vis stopping) people and guiding the operator.
  • The good, the bad, the ugly. Your opinon on H&S management system software.
    We are going through this process at the moment.

    My key requirement is integration with out systems. I have no interest in a system that requires each new person, site or delegation to be manually entered.

    If we can get data in to Power BI so that it can appear on our other dashboards that would give H&S more integration.

    Lastly the system needs incident reporting, observations and audits entered via an android app.
  • Worksite traffic management
    Hello Sarah,

    I agree. This has been very useful for us in our planning.
  • The good, the bad, the ugly. Your opinon on H&S management system software.
    Hello Jo,

    Unless it is fully integrated with the business systems it will struggle. Finding a package that will integrate with the Office365/Sharepoint/Active directory environment has difficult. Providers will happy charge you thousands to load your user and site data in to their system but it means committing to ongoing tasks every-time you have a starter, mover or leaver.

    We are currently looking at installing convergepoint later this year most due to the price point and intergration.
  • Mythbusters - NZ version
    Uniforms and dress codes are a nightmare. Add to this breath-ability, high visibility and cost.
  • Mythbusters - NZ version
    If they do extra hours they should be paid accordingly.
  • Legal Cannabis and Safety
    Hello Chris,

    I agree the salvia test will be more useful. I think it may lead to companies taking a tougher look at their alcohol policies as well.