
  • ACC's planned incentive options
    I experienced loss of health and safety resources including personnel and monetary as soon as WSMP was cut - these cost savings will be used to pay the levies in full. We fall under option A, food manufactuing it is in the high risk catergory - like every other buisness in this industry sprains and strains are the norm. The buisness has come along way in automating must of our processes in the past 5 years, though it is still heavily manual loaded an example is the need for speicalist meat cuts that can only be performed by knife hands and the risk of carpal tunnel. Aging workforce and unskilled labour increases our injury rate. Having read the latest update from ACC their is little in either option for us, so it will just be buisness as usual.
  • SafePlus Accreditation
    I have the same reservations towards SafePlus as raised by Dianne above - particulary the development of a stand alone process that fails to meet ISO and AS/NZ standards. As a health and safety practitioner often one of my key arsenals when pushing for additioanl resources from senior management is that the buisness must be compliant with best practice and ISO, AS/NZ standards.