Stress Assessment Tool Thanks for the feedback and responses.
I agree with the comments provided, stress is both good and bad and comes from a range of situations etc. some work, some non-work. What I believe is the key is understanding the impact upon workers and their ability to do the work, herein lies the challenge. But I firmly believe, and it relates back to the WorkSafe material regarding understanding the effect of work on Health and Health on Work.
To quote a character from the movie "Platoon" who says "if you free your mind then your ass will follow" a concept which flows into the MHF's 5 ways of working program. all this means, I believe, is that we need a multi pronged approach to this issue of "stress", but as an employer if you understand what causes the stress for your staff then you are better able to develop processes, procedures, systems and support for your staff to enable them to have a successful and fulfilling working life and that goes a long way to developing a culture where Health Safety and Wellbeing is BAU.
Nga Mihi