
  • Prescription medicinal cannabis
    Previously, when considering a request to use medicinal cannabis for chronic back pain, I also sought advice from similar sources with a similar outcome. The position we ultimately took was to treat medicinal cannabis just the same as any other prescribed medication that presents a risk of impairment. If the "side effects" of a prescription medicine include impairment, then that risk needs to be managed regardless of what the medicine is.
  • H&S apps (NZ based)
    We currently use Mango and it is relatively cheap and comes with most of what you'll need. However, it does have annoying limitations especially around field names, required fields, and, as mentioned above, standard processes. From previous experience, there is no one perfect solution - they are either too simplistic or too complicated and expensive and even the complicated and expensive ones will not give you what you want (need?). As Tony suggested, if what you want is straight forward, have a look at Google Docs or MicroSofts 365 suite. The tools being packaged into these systems have a lot of the functionality you are paying for in an H&S system without the flexibility and there are plenty of people out there that can help you build something to suit you.
  • Time to abandon the risk matrix?
    Dr Sharon O'Neil and Karen Wolf's report for Safe Work Australia (Measuring and Reporting on Work Health and Safety. ISBN 978-1-76028-909-6 offers an alternative approach to the traditional risk matrix.

    Rod Farrar Blog (Paladin Risk Management - also offers a alternative to the traditional risk matrix.
  • Seeking feedback on safety differently guideline for SME's
    Thanks for the offer Tania. I would love to review your guide. Regards Chayne
  • Definition of "high potential"?
    I agree, looking to the worst case in every case blinds people to what they need to prioritise. I like to use the phrase "probable outcome". If the probable outcome is a life altering injury or death - that is "high potential'.