
  • How best to boost H&S generalist numbers?
    I believe this needs to be a multi-facetted approach over the medium to long term, as there is no one size fits all "silver bullet" here. I also do not believe that remuneration is a barrier to entry. It is now fairly easy for a person with even just a couple of years’ experience to gain a position playing in excess of 100k, and in fact if you ask me, there needs to be a correction downward in this respect.

    A dedicated campaign to raise the profile of the industry: and break down the ingrained view the HS professionals are there as tick-box clipboard warriors there to make life harder for workers. I am a true believer that our industry has a significant image problem.
    A dedicated drive to actively recruit you and talented professionals both from school / uni and within our industries.

    A pathway to professional development: a topic for another post entirely. (yes i am aware there are some that exist, but they are fragmented and while all having the same overall goal how and which to choose can be unclear and daunting)

    Recognition that even if we start tomorrow, 2100 professionals is a tall ask.
  • Looking for advice as a new H&S Contractor

    You auckland based?
    give me a call if you want 021 452 930 happy to chat
  • Machine Safety: Automatic Bandsaw
    honestly you will be better off having a chat with a guarding expert. it is a specilist field and there are a couple of good ones out there, that could advise you better on your sepcific issues.
  • Looking for advice as a new H&S Contractor
    Happy to have a discussion with you regarding this if you like.
    Insureance depends on what people required.
    we hold several insurances due to the contracts we do, bu public liability at a min.
    i would suggest sole trader to start, and utalise something like henry for your accounts until you get established.
    And always remember, you are only ever as good as your last contract. contracting is as much of building your personal brand as it is being a good contractor.
    it is hard work!
  • Should risk registers be signed off by workers?

    O.k. so a bit of an open ended question.
    Your workers need input into the identifaction of the risk and the development of the controls to mitigate them. what is more important than the sign off, is the record of your consultation with them to develop these things.
    I personally would be ustaliising the safety committee and SME's within the buisness to do this, and would have the most sienor person incharge of safety at the buisness autherising the risk, interms of it being acceptiable to the buisness.
    then a monitoiring system of the risk by the workers and the supervisors/managers in place to ensure the controls are implemented and working.
    There is no short answer to you question really.
    hope that helps
  • How to detect management resistance to change?
    Usually if you are in the role it is fairly easy to detect change so i will not comment on that, however, at the interviewing stage, this is something that as consultants you have to learn to gauge quickly.
    People need to remember that interviewing is a two way street (in fact if i am interviewing for a new staff member, a person who doesn't ask questions of me gets disregarded as a candidate due to not being able to come up with questions on the fly and be able to articulate these in an appropriate manner).
    Ask questions of the management such as what changes have happened during the last 12 months, and listen to their response. then ask questions about roadblocks and how these were overcome, I find that, that sort of questioning goes a long way to giving me a gauge on how the company manages change and how resistent they could be.
  • You are the new CE of WorkSafe. What would you do first?
    This is a hard question.
    if you are asking what i would achive in the for 90days, i would say almost nothing. the first 90 days of any role at that level is about understanding the drivers for the buisness and what levers can be pulled to affect positive change.
    My first 90 days would be spent talking to key stakeholder from through out the entier orgainisation as well as extrnally, then considering that feedback develop a plan to move forward.
    I will cavit this with the fact that i dont belive there is serious commitment at a goverment level to resource WSNZ adaquitly, so mr Haszard has a big and challenging time ahead of him.
  • Friday drinks, anyone?
    less and less common on sites.
    more common on in smaller compainies now, rather than the big ones.
  • Worker Engagement Partipation and Representation
    Bear in mind this is on the cards as well, which may change your stance on things. was slated to be in already but the legislative plate is full atm but they would like to have this access the line before the election
  • HSR1 Courses
    I would be having a chat to the person as asking if they would like to take their working career further in HS. you could suggest working up to LVL 6 or even further if they want to.
    This would have a couple benefits. a couple would be succession planning for the HS roles, shoes the staff that you invest in your people.
    they might not want to, in which case i would treat it like a refresher :)
  • Health & safety incomes
    do you have a breakdown of the types industry they are in?
    i would be interested to know what portion of those sit in high risk industries, large organizations that have multi site responsibilities, are consulting that type of thing.
    Also what portion of the industry does this represent?
    I think there is a huge amount that goes into the salary / age equation.
  • Income survey 2022 - last days!
    Hey Peter did the results come out for this? just trying to find it.
    Asking for a friend..... *looks around suspiciously*
  • Health & safety incomes
    As a person who run a Health and Safety consultancy out of AKL i have found a couple of things.
    1 - safety people (good ones) are hard to come by and thus at a premuim driving up salery expectations
    2 - we have yet to empoy someone for under 105k as a package

    All safety consultants in NZ should now in my opinion be required to be at least LVL 6 qualed, NZISM and HASNZ registered to help ensure that we have professional bodies behind us holding poor performers in the industry to account.

    But i do take your point that there is a wide spread of salaries accross NZ
  • Oh no - I've Had The Dreaded Worksafe Call.
    agree with Amanda comments. treat them as you would any other visitor. if they find something, then great learn from it, move on. if they find something critical, be glad they saw it if you did not already know about it.
    most WSNZ inspectors are great to talk to once you get to know them. treat them as you would like to be treated.
  • Inductions - Refreshing inductions - Contractors
    I would say it would depend on how often you enage that contractor.
    good practice say (infromally) that we shoud refresh annually. i take a risk based approch, so the higher risk the contractor the more involved i become with them and the more involved i want them in my systems for consultation and feedback. low risk not as much
  • How to acknowledge (or even reward) outstanding effort?
    So many companies struggle with this. IMO it is a balance between making sure the reward is
    1- inline with the company values and
    2- is substantial enough to encourage people to want to do better without putting the reward before the expected HS outcome.
    This is a difficult balance to achieve
    An example of some good ones we have seen
    HS champion shirts - these cost around $100 to have printed and are given to people who show excellence in HS
    Gym Member ships for exceptional HS performance
    A donation to a preferred or selection of charities.

    A rewards Structure that has a significant direct money value attached to it IMO should be avoided.
    For example
    Gift cards
    Food vouchers
    or Money directly

    Hope this helps I could go on and on about this :)
  • Crane Inspections
    The operator should do a daily check that looks at the condition of things like the changs (visabale wear etc) and any of the lifting gear as well as the remote. as for the ganty itself, i have always erred on the side of not having an operator check the ganrtry itself rather implamenting a regular maintainence and complaiance regime to capture any fulats there.

    By the 2 fold approch you are giving ownership to th operators for the equiment and ensuring that they check it (just make sure it is not a tickbox!) and then the wrap around of the maintainence by a competant and qualified professional to by service the equipment and certify the lifting equipment use.

    Hope this helps!
  • Health & safety incomes
    I think this is about right for a mid level HS person
    I have recently seen anything from applicants wanting anything from 100k to 250k (250 was an outier lol!) with most wanting somewhere between 100 to 130 (not including any package like a car etc) just a a raw base pay.
  • H&S apps (NZ based)
    Late to reply to this, but it honestly depends on your budget and what you want to get out of it.
    Beware is a good option for a good alrounder, but there are some other options out there, like some of the ones that have been suggested here.
    but once again an undertsanding of scope and budget are imporant when loking at this sort of stuff