Each year Safe Work Australia releases data on work injury claims accepted by compensation bodies in each state and territory - and including NZ.
The latest report is available here and makes sobering reading (the Part 1 report) — Peter Bateman
This could be the uprising we have been waiting for, so if you’re onboard and can help, send me a message and let’s track him down for what I’m sure will be an interesting discussion on H&S. :) — Amy Richards
Most H&S professionals have single focus and it is not about arse covering - it is about no one getting killed or injured on their watch. — Janet Mary Houston
I've yet to see good practice around this. Hire their biggest chainsaw and they talk you through starting it but don't ask what you intend to use it for or ask to see your PPE, or what you know about dropping trees — robert p
Assuming the vaccine is not mandated by govt, I imagine the worst that can happen is that companies go the way schools have for MMR. Vaccination certs are required for all students, if unvaccinated and there is an outbreak at the school the student has to stay home. — Rachael
I took a hardhat from a construction worker who had spray-painted his white hat a bright fluorescent pink and split it down the middle applying the pressure test. It was barely 6 months old. He was gobsmacked, I smiled. — Rowly Brown
My money would be on Grant figuring out smart ways to ensure his team follows the first rule of yacht racing, get in front, second rule; stay in front. Rule three? see rules one and two — Steve H
For helmets that are used infrequently and stored away from sunlight, dirt and temperature extremes, this guideline/recommendation may not be applicable. The user should examine the helmet regularly and discard it if any damage is evident. — Robb
Also, most historical lease agreements are silent on H&S, or only have a minimal line to acknowledge the leasee must comply with statues etc. Is this still relevant, or do more modern lease agreements include more rigour around H&S obligations? — Hilary Kearns
Just want to put it out there how many individual prequals are you expected to de each year?? — Don Ramsay
Some countries are introducing a rule that if you cannot prove you have been vaccinated you will not be allowed to enter. This may force some companies hands, where their people are required to travel internationally when this is available - long way off yet. — Dianne Campton
Has anyone read a copy of this yet?
Is it worth shipping a copy from the UK? — Michael Wilson
On several occasions, our techs found themselves finishing work at 3am but having to vacate the motel room at 10am. They ended up sleeping in the vehicle and expected to turn up for work in a fit state at 5pm. Management were aware of the situation but would do nothing due to project deadlines and penalty clauses. The offered use of an employee's caravan was declined because it wasn't "approved accomodation". — Christina Carroll
Competency records are a bit different - it is very justifiable to say I need proof that your electrician is qualified before I let them fix my system — Craig Marriott