We recommend including biological exposure monitoring or health monitoring
participation into employment agreements or contracts (with all the relevant
information) so workers will know up-front about these requirements, and give
their informed consent before they take the job.However, workers can still
withdraw their informed consent at any time — WorkSafe
There's even a provider who will, for $150 - $300 provide you with "WorkSafe NZ Certification". — Andrew
hen I remind myself that the Forklift Certificate isn't mandatory. And that there is probably some very good coin to be made by training providers putting their own 3 year cash churn limit on it. — Andrew
But NZ's ERA legislation also means that existing workers (especially long-serving employees who have many years if service) cannot have a new contractual requirement imposed on them without an appropriate consultation process.....what to do, eh?!?? — Sheri Greenwell
Workers do not have to tell their employer if they have been vaccinated or why they are unable or choose not to be vaccinated. If workers have consented, the Ministry of Health can inform employers whether Group 1 workers have been vaccinated. Employers can ask workers if they have been vaccinated. If workers do not tell employers what their vaccination status is, employers may assume workers are unvaccinated, but should first inform workers of this assumption. — Employment New Zealand
If you think a role in your business or service needs to be performed by a worker vaccinated against COVID-19, you need to assess the role’s exposure risk to the virus. A strong indicator is if the role currently requires mandatory regular COVID-19 testing under the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Required Testing) Order 2020. — Assessing whether a specific role needs to be performed by a vaccinated worker
.When carrying out a risk assessment, you’ll need to consider:
the likelihood of workers being exposed to COVID-19 while performing the role, and
the potential consequences of that, eg community transmission — MBIE
2016 Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations — Steve H
. Even COVID-19 tests aren't compulsory for people staying in MIQ. — Chris Anderson
I would create a navigational guide that can assist the auditor to find what they are looking for. I always say the auditor doesn't live here, but YOU do.
It's absolutely vital that the system is set up to support the business, not just to make life easy for the auditors - we pay auditors to think, apply, interpret, probe and verify against the criteria, not to dictate the structure. — Sheri Greenwell
and the only thing visible is this damned, neo liberal spiral — Ben Thomas
One of my academic research interests is the use of "grey literature". For example, the UK Health and Safety Executive research reports are often very helpful to me.
So, my question is: What sources do you use that is open access but reliable? — Chris Peace
I realise that I will be in a minority on this forum and will be excoriated for my backward views but since I shall soon be retiring I am more than happy to take on the role of cave dweller. — Ben Thomas
Not me CaptainBut buried somewhere in that paper is an interesting idea, if only someone could translate it for us.
Any volunteers? — Peter Bateman
Most people, including the head of the union, thought Pike River was going more than all right — Andrew
Overall thou I believe that success is not measured by comparing ourselves to others. Success is comparing ourselves to ourselves and asking the question: are we a safer country, a better place to work, a better industry of safety professionals, than we were yesterday? Or last month? Or last year? — Amy Richards