I am looking for a base level introduction to health and safety course for new starters in a manufacturing business.
Am struggling to find a one-day/part day base level for people who have had little experience or knowledge in health and safety in the workplace.
Not looking for NZQA or HSR I don't want to overwhelm but would like to provide a starting point for our people to be able to grow from.
Hey @Shayla McCormick,
Some suggestions of why and how before you get inundated with information about what.
Consider what the outcomes for the learners will be, so you can work out what they need to learn. You can then work out methods to assist them to learn.
Decide on how the learning will occur - teacher centered or learner led. This relates to delivery methods, learning outcomes, content and assessments.
Keep in mind that adult learners learn for reasons known to them - they are not taught like children.
Hi @Shayla McCormick
Off-the-shelf training courses have their place, but the information taught is generic and sometimes not relevant to a particular business or process.
There is the possibility you could do something in-house - tailored to your business.
This is a good base document that you could use to develop the training. https://www.worksafe.govt.nz/dmsdocument/200-the-absolutely-essential-health-and-safety-toolkit
The training could be broken into sections, using the guide as a reference point, and you create a Q&A at the end to evaluate the level of comprehension.
I had a brief read of the booklet @Robb linked to.
While it contains information that could be used to develop learning sessions, I don't see how it can assist developing a learning session. I'll briefly expand on my earlier post.
Learning outcomes are many and will include what the organisation expects following training sessions, what the learners expect to know, and what the facilitator expects the learners to know. All three are different as they are for three different stakeholders who while they heading in a similar direction, have different interpretations of what success looks like.
Management may be looking at increased productivity, workers could be looking at new techniques and the facilitator looking at improving delivery techniques. To achieve them all, the three groups need to end up in the same final location.
In order to get to that location means planning. So in an education situation, planning is usually done by a person skilled to design a course, program etc.
Teaching children is like filling an empty vessel. Pour the information and later (in life) the child will work out what is relevant and discard what is not.
Adults are different. They are already fill with knowledge from their earlier childhood education plus all they have accumulated from their multitude of life experiences. So there is not enough space to just pour in more knowledge like when we were kids.
Also, adults have been through the phase of discarding irrelevant information and learned how to apply that. (Every watched adults switch off at training sessions because of the method of delivery or content is not interesting?). They know what's good and what's not.
So coming back to planning, start with the idea and then talk with the people who the idea will affect (management and workers). If they are not interested, it's a dead duck in the water. If they are interested, what are they interested in and why. This contributes to learning outcomes, assessment design, content, context and delivery methods. Incidentally as this is part of WEPR, the network should already be established (if not, a good time to start).
Without educational training, (I can recommend SITfor this), my observations are that inhouse delivery of H&S knowledge by untrained people either becomes a tick-box exercise, a one-shot wonder, boring, or is outsourced and becomes generic.
You don't need to be a subject matter expert to be an inhouse educator. It helps but is not necessary. But to encourage workers to learn, you do need to know what you are doing when you are in front of adults. They are as wise, if not wiser than you, and know all the tricks of the trade.
I guess that's worth 20 cents today.
Attached is part of a proposal I'll be taking to a company engaged in the construction industry. I’ve had verbal discussions with management who have approved the submission of a proposal. Once I have feedback from company stakeholders I'll create a draft program with learning outcomes, assessments, lesson plans, content, learning and assessment locations, refine existing elements in the outline, and send to learners, management, peers and subject matter experts for moderation and feedback.
easy way is go in-house, using company words and jargon and real-time examples.
Management by walkabout uses on the job training orientation.
Go Look Go See. Go to the source to collect the facts to form a consensus.
Develop a story board of training aspects and basic risk assessment vs hazards and types of controls anyone can encounter in your organization.
Use home examples to change perception, interpretation and comprehension.
Determine skill matrix based on Job Description / Profile and competencies required.
Use practical examples of how work instruction incorporate quality and safety key points,
explain ERICPD acronym for Hierarchy of Controls. Explain how each step is vital and walk through basic explanation to gauge understanding.
reminder Worker competency: Understand/can do/ can teach. explain how each step is achieved and past experiences aligned linked and replicated to achieve based on built-in safety aspects, inherent controls, people controls and self discipline.
Empowerment is knowing what the impact will be if you do not follow the rules...potentially from FA injury all the way to a fatality or affect on community as the risk matrix explains the impact of an incident escalation.
Make a worker feel safe in the knowledge that the foundation of controls is SFAIRP Implemented.
Explain how stop-call-fix rules work
Scene preservation in accidents/incidents - use reference to a car accident if needed
role of Health and safety committee HSR and collaboration and worker engagement.
Roles, Responsibility and Accountability
Internal Communication vs Control vs Documentation and OJT - Keen sense
Look with fresh eyes Novice vs. exposure outside of company to workplace examples using Buddy system of supports
Review how to communicate 3 way comms talk
Review Feedback vs. Improvement vs disciplines vs. attitudes vs job security
Review importance of objective evidence and continuous improvement cycles
Review Work Content vs Implied Safety vs Documentation of what should happen not what has become the norm over time. Auditors hat.
Respect, values and personal goals
personal culture vs corporate culture vs vision
Hi All,
Sorry for the late response. The feedback here has been extremely helpful.
KeithH you have hit the nail on the head where it comes to training/educating adults. A knowledge dump is not going to get through. I know those glazed looks well!
You have all given great ideas/info and based on this I have decided to create an inhouse training pack as an extension to our site induction to cover more health and safety basics and critical risk. .... And getting myself on a train the trainer course.
Basic knowledge of the HSW Act does not have to be a 'knowledge dump' as such. The elearning course I mentioned earlier is very interactive and always well recieved it is cheap and it will save you valuable time out of your own day performing such training. Just a thought. regards Joe