• Peter Bateman
    In the Nov/Dec edition of Safeguard magazine we pose three questions based on stories in the magazine. One of them is this:

    How should someone who goes out of their way to improve H&S at your workplace be acknowledged or even rewarded?

    Feel free to respond here on the Forum, or privately here via a Survey Monkey form.

    An edited selection of responses will be published in the Jan/Feb edition, but with no names attached. One randomly selected person will receive a prize, namely a copy of the book A Field Guide to Safety Professional Practice, by Dr David Provan.
  • Matt Sadgrove
    It really depends on the context of what you mean by "goes out of their way". If I assume you refer to a worker whose primary role has improving H&S as a secondary function. Then encouragement of their efforts should be recognized on a scale through recognition internally and possibly externally, an appropriately valued voucher, a bonus, or a promotion, depending on the gravity of the improvement.
  • DEBBIE robertson
    Within the workplace acknowledging people that are not the HS rep but your employee that encourages good hs practices. Recently a new employee has been seen encouraging team members to join him at the gym to increase health, pointing out to others they need to do prestart checks, checking in on a team mate in his own time who sat at roadside accident with a person seriously injured.
    His genuine care for his team both in and out of work has grown the comradership and that HS is OK to talk about and it is both work and outside of it that grows a culture of safety and wellbeing.
    These are the people that should be recognized. They are the leaders of change
  • Steve Schroder
    So many companies struggle with this. IMO it is a balance between making sure the reward is
    1- inline with the company values and
    2- is substantial enough to encourage people to want to do better without putting the reward before the expected HS outcome.
    This is a difficult balance to achieve
    An example of some good ones we have seen
    HS champion shirts - these cost around $100 to have printed and are given to people who show excellence in HS
    Gym Member ships for exceptional HS performance
    A donation to a preferred or selection of charities.

    A rewards Structure that has a significant direct money value attached to it IMO should be avoided.
    For example
    Gift cards
    Food vouchers
    or Money directly

    Hope this helps I could go on and on about this :)
  • Chris Hyndman
    It's a case of horses for courses when it comes to how people want to be acknowledged or rewarded for "above and beyond" behaviour.

    For some people, being thrust into the spotlight in front of their peers is the stuff of nightmares, whereas for others, it is what drives them on (The Muttley effect :lol: ). Sometimes it's better to reward a team rather than an individual.

    At risk of sounding like a stuck record on this topic, the most bought into Reward & Recognition scheme that I have been involved with was one where we allowed the workers themselves to design. You will be surprised by what is classed as a reward and who the recipients of it should be.
  • MattD2
    You will be surprised by what is classed as a reward and who the recipients of it should be.Chris Hyndman
    If you are able to share it would be interesting to hear what the workers actually wanted (as rewards)?
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