• rebecca telfer
    Hi Team
    Does anyone have a Workplace Fatigue Flowchart they can share.
    Thanks Heaps
  • Matthew Bennett
    Hi Rebecca,

    I don't, however I'm very interested in what one might look like. I haven't thought about how I would flowchart fatigue. What do you envisage one would contain? If no one else has one I might give it shot to develop.
  • Steve H
    Does anyone have a Workplace Fatigue Flowchart they can share.rebecca telfer

    Hello Rebecca
    What purpose do you see the flow chart serving? Here's a link to a PDF that the Northern Territory Electrical Supply Company use WHS-51 Fatigue Management Procedure

  • Bruce Tollan
    This is one prepared from large scale construction site ruleszzn63us3a5w5uk03.jpg
  • Karl Bridges
    Sorry to be a party pooper but it concerns me that fatigue risk management can be reduced to a simple flowchart when there are so many mitigating circumstances that can exacerbate the onset of fatigue. I have seen flow charts in the past, which on paper, look good but if you have an under resourced team fatigue is going to be inevitable. Then there are the issues of circumstances frequently missed in the charts such as diet, personal circumstances, commute, work environment (noise, heat and vibration to mention a few), and even nature of work can have a significant impact. As a result, the onus is placed on the employee to put their hand up and advise their management they are fatigued which will result in being stood down for the rest of the (under-resourced) team having to pick up the additional duties. As a result, many workers can feel compelled to 'truck on'. Fatigue flow charts and indeed many other flow charts have the ability to move attention away from more systemic issues with the workplace. Sorry again for the rant but it is something I have had quite a bit of experience working on and feel quite strongly about it. The reference made by Michaela is a good one but please consider the wider issues as well. Happy to discuss with further with you, Rebecca.
  • Kip Mandeno
    Well I'm a simple man and use NZTA Commercial Driving time as our fatigue policy seen we have to drive to jobs, carry out work and drive home. No sense writing a doc like the WHS-51 Fatigue Management Procedure (I lost it on the first page) or reinventing the wheel when the Gov't has a good standard already.
  • Denise
    Agree with Kip, useful baseline to utilise
    Currently our only fatigue management flowchart is simply a monthly report based on hours worked per week for all staff (axis has weeks and grouped hours on other axis) hours grouped by <55, 55-60, 60-65, 65-70, 70-75, 75-80, 80+hours. The expectation is certain colours should not be appearing on the chart without Managers explanation.
  • Campbell Thomson
    Worksafe site has some fatigue information including a fatigue checklist that helps identify areas of risk.
  • James Williamson
    Saferme app have a fatigue calculator. Which calculate risk value after entering work sleep etc.
  • Jane
    I have just been looking at fatigue as a critical risk for our people who cover a 24 hour rotating roster, and one of the previous posts on this forum suggested this as a good place to start thinking https://www.zeroharm.org.nz/resources/risk/fatigue-risk-management/
    (the original thread https://forum.safeguard.co.nz/discussion/comment/1375)

    If you are looking at training your people in fatigue management (given that managing fatigue is a dual responsibility) then this may be useful (new and hot off the presses) https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/research/sleep-and-mental-health-uk, download for free.

    This is all much broader than your specific question about a flowchart, but may be interesting anyway.
  • rebecca telfer
    Thanks for your feedback.
    My enquiry was for techs that work their normal shift then might get a breakdown call out during the night.
    Most of the call outs are for only a couple of hours, then the tech will either start is normal shift hours the next day or finish early.
  • Steve H
    Hi Rebecca
    How long is a "shift day", how long do they have to travel to a call out, location vary, or are they being called back to get/keep plant running, do they get multiple call backs in one break period?
  • Jane
    I have worked with companies that run a "nine hour break" as part of their contracts/policy. So from the time until you leave work, even if it is 4am, then you are entitled to a nine hour break before you are back at work again.
    This allows a decent block of sleep before being back at work. Finishing early at the end of the next shift doesn't allow for lost sleep.
    This then means the workplace has to organise their workflow assuming that people may not be in first thing if they have had late calls so it takes a bit of work to allow it happen smoothly.
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