This goes hand-in-hand with @Stuart Keer-Keer's comment belowYet New Zealand remains content to try to manage this huge quantity of asbestos in situ, lacking the ambition to seek to remove it from the built environment — The State of Asbestos - Safeguard Article
Can we really blame them though, given those that propose to do the "right thing" will be priced out of the market by those that are offering the quick-fix (or actually the cheaper fix) - since both are technically legal - especially in residential buildings and renovations.They think that if they incur the cost of doing this it puts them at a disadvantage with their competitors that don't do it. — Stuart Keer-Keer
Can we really blame them though, given those that propose to do the "right thing" they will be priced out of the market by those that are offering the quick-fix (or actually the cheaper fix) - since both are technically legal - especially in the residential buildings and renovations. — MattD2
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