• rebecca telfer
    hi team
    so during the lock down period we have some staff working from home, a thought i had was for them to come up with some project ideas.
    Does anyone have any projects that they have been through and completed, any on the go, or just ideas that I can give the group if they don't have any. I need to think outside the box, we are a heavy vehicle workshop and sales/parts/admin company
  • Mark Kenny-Beveridge
    A couple of projects I have been involved in/currently involved that I think are relevant at the moment are:

    • Workplace flexibility;
      Mental health/resilience concepts - making it a way that is meaningful and applicable for the business

    Other ideas could include:

    • Worker participation review - how are workers involved and is it the best way for your business?
      Identification/rewarding of positive safety actions/behaviours - how does your business encourage/recognise safety done well.
      Safety metrics - what does your business use to 'measure safety' - is it the best or are their other more meaningful ways to do this?
      Risk control review - identify a common or critical risk and review the current control. Is it the most effective in managing risk SFAIRP or are there other ways that could be explored/researched?

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • Andrew
    There are only two types of acceptable project
    - safety related projects that will increase the gross revenue of the business
    - safety related projects that will reduce the operational costs of the business.

    We have entered a new world where $$ will be the one and only focus. The old saying "cashflow is king" will never be truer. And Health and safety practitioners have to get their head around it.

    We are facing unprecedented economic times, likely worse than after the Christchurch earthquakes and the GFC

    Unemployment may well reach 15%. Maybe more. That means we will have significantly fewer workers to do health and safety stuff on.

    GDP could contract by more than 8%. To put that number into perspective a recently published risk management exercise suggests that if the costs of containing Cornavirus exceed 6.4% of GDP more future lives will be lost than lives saved by our current management approach.

    We need to be very conscious that anything we do today could well be creating a bigger problem for tomorrow.

    We are going to enter a world where "safety" becomes a business "luxury".

    If Health and safety practitioners cannot come up with economically viable project propositions their employer will reduce business costs by making these positions redundant.
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