• Lucille N
    Hi all,

    Has anyone had any positive shifts in reducing speeding on a motor vehicle work site through administrative or engineering controls? Currently, there are the usual controls you would expect such as speed limit signs, speed bumps and constant reminders regarding no speeding during toolbox meetings. However, it is having little effect and speeding is still an issue around the work site. Looking to try something different, but most of the health and safety information recommends what is already in place.


  • MattD2
    What is the current speed limit being enforced on site? Is it a single speed limit for the whole site or multiple different limits depending on which location on site?
    And what is the risks that you are trying to control through the enforced speed limit?
    Really understanding the circumstances and the real risk is needed first before developing any controls if you are wanting to create an embedded change. Initiatives that have worked really well in one organisation do not guarantee they will have any real change in a different organisation.
  • Andrew
    Part of the problem is that "speeding" is a very subjective thing.

    For example, stick a "10kph" speed limit sign up and what does it mean? Cars, for a start, struggle to show 10kph on the speedo. Then how do you know if a person is actually going over "10kph"

    So we ignore our 10kph speed signs (its purely a guide for visitors). We never had speed humps. We don't do tool box talks.

    What we do do, is on Induction people get the message "Don't go faster than 10kph - or about walking pace" That's about it.

    Do we worry about the "10 kph? Part? No. This is just said to give those who like targets something to aim for.

    Do we figure most people understand what "walking pace" is. Yup - its what slow and fast walkers do. And its close enough.

    Does everyone speed? No. So no point making a blanket "rule" to cover the 99% of people who understand what walking pace (or thereabouts) is.

    And where is the "speeding". If its among parked cars its a potential problem. If its by the gates, not so.

    So what do we do with the "speeder". We take them aside and say "pull yah head in - you are going to fast". Now you'll see the advantage of not having a 10kph limit - it stops the litigious argumentative types coming back and saying "what proof do yah have of me going more than 10kph". They might say " I wasn't going fast" - to which our response is "Well you were going faster than Freddy who was walking by at the time. So slow down"

    The person inevitably slows down. And we havent had to take the issue any further. If we did it would inevitably follow a "discipline" process.

    The problem we have most often is with couriers. On those occasions we ring the courier company and tell them to get their drivers to slow down. And this invariably works. On one occasion we had to say if there is no change then we will change couriers - that brought about an immediate improvement.

    Sometimes all you need to do is have a word with the single offender. This afternoon I've got to have a wee chat to a guy who seem to think its OK for him to ride his skateboard on site. No need for a "No Skateboards" rule. Just a quiet word to a twit.
  • Lucille N
    Hi Andrew,
    I agree with you, as it is a safety culture issue. I am not confident there is a strong enough emphasis during inductions on the no speeding policy. "No faster than walking" is a great way to keep it in perspective and at the forefront of everyone's minds. Considering speeding is a constant issue and is a high risk due to the traffic management on site with the number of vehicles and pedestrians in one place at one time, means I do agree that a disciplinary process needs to be taken to highlight the seriousness of speeding.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  • Lucille N
    Current speed limit is 10km. It is a single speed limit for the whole site. There are several motor vehicle work shops on the one industrial site, including a truck workshop. The purpose of enforcing the speed limit is for everyones safety who is working in the workshops or walking around the premise.
  • MattD2
    So would the main risk you would be looking to manage is pedestrian & vehicle interactions? Do you have, or could you, segregate the pedestrian pathways from the vehicle traffic and provide physical protection in higher risk areas corners, pedestrian entrance/exit doors?
  • John Easton
    I have seen other companies hire one of these radar feedback units that flash your speed up in front of everyone and tell you to slow down. Might help to get the point across
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