• Asbestos: a state of denial?
    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for your view of the "state of denial".

    For 12 years now in NZ we've had cabin overpressure & filtration systems that protect operators in machine and truck cabs from all sorts of contaminated air. In all that time we've only had two machines fitted specifically for protection against airborne asbestos.

    One was for a contractor in Tauranga and one was for an Auckland City Council repair project. We've got customers in landfills, transfer stations, waste-water, livestock feed, fertilizer and other industries, but not asbestos remediation. That industry does not seem to be interested in making the small investment required to keep enclosed machine cabs safe, so we leave them alone.

  • Machinery reluctance?
    My interest in machinery safety involves cabin overpressure & filtration, protecting worker health in contaminated environments, and yes there is a scale problem with most PCBUs that look into using our solution. If I made a list of customers here you'd see the names of larger and more progressive firms that can evaluate the risk and return around the health of their skilled operators.

    To help smaller firms take what Barry calls a "serious look" we've introduced a leasing package for our products, but still it's an uphill battle. As for fearing "the scale of what might be uncovered" we're planning to also make available state-of-the-art particulate monitoring equipment for use on-site, as a lease option. The solutions don't cost much.

    Any PCBU who is afraid of safer options should maybe reconsider their career choices?

    Bill Hackshaw.