Vehicle Inductions Hi Dwain.
AA Driving School have been partnering with a range of fleets NZ wide for the past 15+ years helping to support them on this journey. We'd be very happy to set up some time for a chat to better understand your business challenges and provide some thoughts on solutions. In terms of inductions, we have created custom e learning modules for other clients to ensure drivers dedicate the time to understand the features on the common vehicles in a fleet. With the introduction of new ADAS features now very common on new vehicles, this has become even more important as many drivers may not have experienced things like lane keep assist in their personal vehicle and it can be quite confronting if you're not expecting the system to kick in.
As others have mentioned, if budget allows 121 coaching and assessment sessions are also a fantastic way to ensure competence. Our research foundation recently published a driving for work study investigating series and fatal crashes over the past 3 years. A key finding from the study showed that unlike gen pop data, the risk was much more evenly spread through the age groups too - bear in mind that most older drivers in NZ would likely never have had a professional lesson or coaching in their lives, so while their risk appetite may be lower, their knowledge of key safety steps like blind spot checks are likely non existent (it didn't even used to be part of the driving test).
You can reach out to us at dsfbataadotcodotnz to arrange a time for a chat if you'd like. We'd be very happy to help.