A strange request As a business owner, it is frustrating to have competitors copy what you do, knowing what they are doing is not the same at all, but to someone who is not specialised may appear that way. And the motivation could be that the caller you had, actually genuinely wanted to protect people from wasting money and even having a false sense of security. Unfortunately it is relatively easy in NZ to sell non compliant "anythings" without too much recourse. I know in our industry, there are still non compliant devices being sold (operating on an illegal to use MhZ bands). And if you try to call it out, you're seen as being "anti competitive". But actually a lot of companies, passionately care about the difference they can make. I think assuming they're trying to "play dirty" is cynical. And yes, there is still a lot of box ticking going on. Even surprisingly from companies that have had close calls. The disconnect between operational staff and directors is evident weekly to us.