• Position descriptions
    Hi Jim,
    Site based committees are a good idea, have you considered an H&S Committee terms of reference document? For me a committee would have reps from each site department, a management team rep, plus you. At my last site we asked for nominations for Committee Chairperson & Committee Secretary in November so we could elect the positions in December. These roles were for a year. Your terms of reference should mention a Quorum - the need to have at least 51% committee member attendance in order to vote on any decisions.
    It's important for the committee to share meeting info & minutes, also encourage them & their teams to suggest agenda items so it's not all coming from you.
  • Incident report record keeping
    Hi Catherine, I believe Health & Safety records need to be retained for 7 years.
  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
    I'm just wondering why someone is "down the road" for making the same mistake continuously? Have you stopped to ask "why is this mistake happening repeatedly?". What insights to the tasks can the people who do the work offer? How do you accommodate deviation from the task procedure, which may well occur? The task hazards are always present, you need to build in capacity to allow this. There's some great advice & presentations online by Todd Conklin on this topic.
  • H&S Management Software Query
    Was there anything in particular with PeopleSafe that you didn't like?
  • H&S Management Software Query
    Hi Adam, have a look at Peoplesafe.co.nz . It's a popular application, and there is a waiting list. I showed my GM and he agreed it would be the right application for our company.