Bright ideas to engage our... older gentlemen workers in H&S Just to be the devil's advocate, what does it mean to be engaged in H&S? Is it the same as being engaged in making a profit for the company, or being engaged in producing the right quality of goods/work, or being engaged in getting the work done on time?
in my view, all the above are not separate things and we need to stop thinking about H&S as this separate and stand-alone entity.
The old fellas (me included) have been getting the job done, balancing the requirements of all the categories above, for a long time. Mostly, without too many incidents, accidents or deaths.
So, as a few people have already pointed out, ask people to share their experience, but don't ask with a specific focus on H&S. Ask them to be the master training an apprentice by sharing the good, the bad and the ugly about how work happens. This then gives you opportunities to also share some of your H&S specific knowledge, statistics or procedures, and hopefully get a two way conversation happening.
Finally, ask them what they think would help them get the job done better, quicker, safer, to better quality etc. Then see if you can help them with that, ie empower them, rather than hemming them in.
My 2 cents' worth :-)