• Auditors and their H&S qualifications/experience
    All ACC AEP Auditors had to apply to be an ACC auditor, and I know ACC requested a H&S qualification which was considered alongside an individual's H&S experience in the industry. Only a small number are accepted as auditors and the selection process means that those with the most H&S, injury management qualifications, and experience are accepted. In addition to this, ACC has one of the most robust audit approval processes in NZ, namely training and an exam for those that make it past the selection process. And every two years, a full two-day peer review assessment. Every single AEP (and ACC Fleet Saver) audit report is QA'd by ACC, assessed for content, and scored, with the outcome fed back to the auditors. CPD also forms part of the contractual requirement which is verified as part of the peer review process.
    So I would argue that ACC auditors have one of the most rigorous auditor regimes in NZ.
    Robyn Bennett (Senior ACC AEP Approved Auditor)
  • How does pay in H&S compare?
    Although we have come a long way, the median income isn’t yet reflective of the experience and qualifications needed in comparison with other industries.