• Risk review timeline
    Inherent risk - I think is old school thinking - sorry to be negative. We should focus on current as we have controls in place already. Why think about a risk without controls. If you look at the swiss cheese model this is a prime example to support current risk. I know this is off topic but current risk and improvements plans is the way I look at it and makes sense to me. Supporting this with a systematic approach to identifying the hazards should be approached first.

    Back on topic - agree with Tracey - look at your risk profile and controls to determine the frequency and of course consultation with the people who understand the risk is important.
    Ensuring people who are confident to do the assessment is important, is important and a devils advocate (if you have one) to keep you on track.

    I recently was talking about risk and the HR Manager who referred to worse case scenario - another mistake (my thoughts) in managing residual risk. Again applying the swiss cheese model here where there are control in place. As Dr Conklin would say "failing safety"

    A good topic for discussion thanks Sarah:)
  • Women applying for more senior roles
    Sometime piecemeal attempts are given.
    Agree with Keith the unconscious bias is everywhere and what makes it even more difficult is that if the leaders is a male your ceiling is already in place.

    Inequities are everywhere and there is still a pay gap, this is real.

    Not many post here, I wonder why.

    I speak to lots of women in senior roles and even when they get there, (at the near top) the male bias drives them to distraction.

    If we don't recognise it - it wont change.

    Good on the Manager at Downer
  • Introduce yourself here!
    Hi Julie Forde here
    GM Canterbury Safety Charter. Just returned from Aussy and already enjoying the chat.
  • Contractor Pre qualification /approval systems
    I totally agree and recently brought this up with a Worksafe official. I think a focus on how this fits with legislation is also a key. Prequalification is not identifying how a contractor will manage the specific risks on site and is merely understanding what systems they have in place. Does the prequalification really show how risks are being managed or merely ask an organisations to provide documention on their system to manage risk which in my experience only provides evidence of generic documentation.

    I agree prequalification is becoming fraught with the smell of revenue gatherig add add ons,