Accredited Employers Programme (AEP) - ACC Hi Tina - This has been a Project of mine for the last few months and we are just at the Procurement Stage now for going out for a TPA. It will be the first time for the Ministry going forward into this programme, prior to February we have had our own ACC Claims Manager and helped with our work and non work related injuries etc. However, with the ACC Changes this all changed. Plus our E/R had continued on the up, so it was an opportunity to see what the ACC AEP will be like. All our Sites have just finished a Self-Assessment using the templates which I converted into word and added extra columns to make it easier for them to mark what still needs to be done at their Site etc.
We have also just finished having a number of our Site's SafePlus Assessed, and we realise that there will be a number of recommendations that will come out of this, but all in all, it gives the organisation something to benchmark ourselves with. We also went out to other departments to see who was in the programme etc.