SSSP - Have we lost our way
Hi Don, I'm jumping on this band wagon very late, but...
A SSSP may need to be Site Specific, but I believe construction is exceptionally poor at understanding the Context of the Organisation. This idea is from ISO 45001, but one sentence sums it up for me:
The organisation shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcomes of it health and safety management system.
As you can see from everyone in this thread, we don't produce good SSSPs where the organisation focuses on internal issues. Inside the fence, inside the hoarding, inside the site boundary.
We are terrible at looking at external issues. A recent site were I had to read their SSSP ignored external issues - they were literally next door to a school, a hospital, a library, and many other high-foot-traffic buildings.
100 pages of SSSP, not one mention of at risk groups in their vicinity that have to interact with their impacts of their site everyday, i.e. footpath disruption, traffic management, noise pollution, etc..