• SSE Workers using Company Vehicles
    At a previous employer we had overseas students visiting and working for 6-12 months, this often required them to drive so we would arrange for a driving instructor to take them for a drive and give them feedback.
    It also gave the company some confidence that they were comfortable on NZ roads (and with NZ drivers), before they went out on their own.
    Maybe talk to some of your local driving instructors about what options are available?
  • Lone Worker Devices
    Hi Julie, we're using GetHomeSafe with their app alongside Garmin Inreach devices (for when staff are out of coverage).
    Our staff have found the interface simple to use, andtheir dashboard is easy to manage. I am also looking into their v.bttn devices for use on our sites (linked through the app).
    They have an option for motion-monitoring (can turn it off to save battery life if not needed) through the app, and the devices swap between the inreach and the users phone depending on coverage. We have on-call staff to monitor check-ins, and chase up overdue staff - but in an emergency it goes straight to RCCNZ. There are also messaging options through the dashboard to the device in the field.
    The dashboard allows simple management of who has access and there are various useage reports as well.
    They have been great to deal with and are actively updating the software and adding more options. They have also been responsive to suggestions for changes to improve the software.
    Overall, I'm pretty happy with them!