• Nutrition advice for drivers
    Hi Kate - I saw that free online course too and I'm halfway through the modules. Just thinking about the best way to maximise driver uptake at my workplace at the moment. We do the same initiatives you mentioned but also promote / offer free annual Musculoskeletal, BMI, Cholesterol and Glucose assessments to our drivers through our Occ Health provider.
  • EROAD Rewards and accuracy
    Great point Chris - it's always obvious when serial speeders go straight to focus intently on one or two anomolies in their GPS overspeed data and ignore the multitide of contributions towards their 1 or 2 star driver rating - Distractions!!
  • Health and Safety Meetings
    Hi Don - we have an "official" H&S meeting every 3 months with the nominated reps but also have toolbox meetings where almost all the workforce (60 FTE's) attend for an hour every 6-8 weeks. It's a balancing act to get a group that size to enable fair & equal communciation to occur but along with establishing new small working groups to focus on specific projects, it is starting to generate greater numbers of near miss / suggestions for improvement reports as more start to understand how it fits together.
  • Is Covid still a health & safety thing?
    With winter well upon us and infections on the rise, it's now more a case of providing RAT kits for workers with symptoms and then managing their absence. Currently we've got equal numbers of Covid vs seasonal influenza employees away - with mask wearing and vaccination / boosters now only "encouraged", it's no surprise to see cases increasing of course despite the subsequent health system / supply chain impacts being widely communciated - not that it's stopping some complaining - can't have it both ways.