• Forklift Trucks, F Endorsements and Private Property
    OP - you might want to check out recent ticketing of drivers for not wearing seatbelts in a car park. Seems to be because car park was deemed a "road" due to its accessibility by the public.
  • Long read: Andrew Hopkins on "safety culture"
    Presumably not safe for the people who were being bombed or shot.
  • Bunnings slips, trips and falls
    Gotta say after a lot of detailed analysis, review of currently available literature and hands on research Bunnings have got it wrong.

    Onions are slippery slimy wee things. When placed first on the bread they adhere well to the butter.

    However the problem arises when you place a heavy object on a slanting slippery surface.

    Yup, baking hot sausage slides off onions onto unsuspecting citizen who then get the most serious of burns.

    Where do I send my Consultants Fee?
  • Forklift Trucks, F Endorsements and Private Property
    Thanks Darren. An error on my part - I should clarify. 2 years is our standard. Operators are one of my biggest fears. (Operators tell me they are great - but go round and count the tyre scuff marks and scrape marks the evidence says otherwise!).

    We want to do better than the code which says "It is recommended that retraining be undertaken every three years and that the certificate issued should reflect this". (This "enhanced" refresher training is but one approach, others including risk of losing job)
  • Forklift Trucks, F Endorsements and Private Property

    Unless we want to get into semantics an "OSH Certificate" is something we all know about. Its a certificate issued under a code signed off by OSH. One day Worksafe might like to look at a modern amendment and then perhaps we can call it a WorkSafe8429w1a6bf2gyvlf.jpg
    Certificate. Here is an example , from the Code.

    Just on the matter of "competency" the certificate isnot a Certificate of Competency. It is a Certificate of training. If we refer to the Code it says "These certificates should not refer to "competence" as this description may be misleading when applied to someone who has, at this stage, received no more than basic training and has yet to progress to specific job training and familiarisation training"

    And to those relying on signage to avoid a definition of a "road" good luck with that. I wouldn't want to be defending you.
  • Keyboard ergonomics
    I find a wine or two at the end of the week an excellent remedy. So far so good - no OOS claims from me yet.
  • When do we need to install an eyewash station?
    Do your quantities trigger HASNO? Doesn't really matter anyway - read the SDS and see what it says. We have a shower in one area (highish risk) and eye wash in First Aid to cover other areas (minimal risk).
  • Forklift Trucks, F Endorsements and Private Property
    Outside "yard" forklifts do have WOF / Registration. Inside forklifts are for inside use only and don't have WOFs - but subject to usual checks.

    We can close our gates during the day and turn the yard into a "non-road" but figure this is too disruptive to transport operators, customers and contractors who visit site during the day.

    SafetyLawyerNZ. The problem with F endorsement is that it is a once in a life time assessment of competence. The OSH one is much better as that is every 2 years. (Bearing in mind a F or OSH does not warranty ongoing competence)
  • SafePlus Accreditation
    I most disappointed we now have teh spelling and grammar police on board. I cant spell for nuts and I think the use of CAPS is just plain rude.
  • E-scooters: am I right to be worried?
    They still allow rugby - which maims loads of people every week and you dont hear bleating about that.
  • Forklift Trucks, F Endorsements and Private Property
    I.m in a similar situation. The privately owned business on private land is a red herring - that describes most business.

    The test is: does the public have access to the place either by right or not (para phrasing here). Given you leave the gate open the public do have access. Therefore the exterior road is technically a "road". If you have a vehicle on that road you must have an appropriately licensed driver. Thus while outside your forklift operators need an F Endorsement. Inside your building you can get away with an OSH Endorsement.
  • E-scooters: am I right to be worried?
    As I sit down with a sherry in front of the wireless waiting for the news broadcast I remember the time when roller skates were all the rage. Those pesky youngsters zooming up and down the streets with narry a thought for we pedestrians.

    Then there were those, frankly, uncouth hoodlums on their skateboards. I'm sure half of them didn't wash!

    After that came those hip young things on their inline skates. Couldnt hear them even a yard away,

    As for last years senior citizens the less said about their cursed mobility scooters the better.

    Now its e-scooters

    The world is not a safe place! We're going to hell in a handbasket.
  • Stress Assessment Tool
    Do you see stress as a good or bad thing?
  • Is Sexual Harassment and Bullying a Hazard? HSE vs HR vs Employment Law
    I couldnt tell you how many of these I've been involved in - other than loads. There is no clash between your OSH and your HR.

    OP is correct: There may be a risk that an employee is harassed etc by another. This is at the macro level. You dont need to identify people in the process. Managing the risk can be a joint exercise between OSH and HR with no clash of methodologies. Because you are doing "the right thing" not the "compliance thing"

    When things go wrong it ends up highly technical. I wouldn't want your average OSH person near it.

    For a start its not a disciplinary procedure. Its an investigation procedure. Out of that, there may be consequences.

    Made all the more tricky by the Metoo movement where there is a shift towards "presumed guilty"
  • 3 questions arising from Sept/Oct edition of Safeguard
    PS Peter - could you use another example other than the Wellington City Council. Who can take a council who spends $22,500 on painted multi-colour zebra crossing lines seriously?
  • Retention of records
    Scan them into one PDF. Save them to a drive then forget about them. Storage is so cheap its not worth creating a bring up for removal
  • 3 questions arising from Sept/Oct edition of Safeguard
    1) I would have thought providing maximum value to ratepayers by focusing solely on core functions would be centre of every thing a council does. (it does know a thing only has one centre?)
    2) isn't an Innovative Government role an oxymoron? Especially from a department founded on a copy/paste of Australian law?
    3) nodded off part way through the question
  • Signing For Attendance At Toolbox Meetings
    A toolbox talk (before the Safety Practioners dead set on a job creation programme got hold of them) was simply a quick, informal chance to catch up and quickly drive a safety message. They generally focused on the major issues faced that day. A requirement to "sign" creates formality and delays and no way assures the message was received and understood. But keeps someone employed thinking they are doing something useful.
  • The good old days?
    Ah yes, the good old days when the unions were more interested in protecting their welding patch.
  • Measuring the High Vis of Clothing
    "when viewed by operators of vehicles or other mechanized equipment during daylight conditions and under illumination of headlights in the dark". We offer our operators annual eyesight checks.