• Career advice in the world of health and safety
    Hi Riki

    I would also recommend joining NZISM if you haven't already. A great little network of like minded people.

    Wishing you the best.

  • Career advice in the world of health and safety
    Hi Riki

    In 2020 i found myself in a similar position. Luckily while I was out of a job, I was studying my diploma.

    I second the comments about applying for any job. Experience is essential in H&S. I have spent a year in a H&S position gaining valuable experience which I am now taking with me to a construction company. Construction H&S is where I have wanted to be.

    I truly recommend EdenFX. They specialize in H&S recruiting across NZ. I cannot recommend them enough.

    Happy to chat if need be, you will find me on LinkedIn.

    Connor Pike
  • New Zealand Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety Management level 6
    Hi Delwyn

    I hope someone got in touch with you. I have just finished this diploma and had similar issues. If you need any guidance, feel free to reach out on here or LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/connor-pike-87697b1b2/
