• HSNO and GHS classifications
    It is not a mandatory requirement to use the WorkSafe inventory. So long as your inventory meets the requirements of Part 3 of the HSW (Haz Subs) Regs, then you will comply.

    I have found the WorkSafe inventory very helpful, especially for small businesses. Let's hope the update is not too far in the pipeline.
  • Occupational Health Monitoring - Employees Who Want to Opt Out
    I'm not sure it is conflicting Steve, given the context of the section which also talks about the Bill of Rights. People's circumstances may change which means they may no longer want to undergo monitoring.(e.g. for religious or health reasons etc.).and that is their right.
  • Telarc Audits - Re-write your SMS to follow ISO 450001 format
    Agree with comments above - push back.

    Personally I've never advocated for accreditation against standards (unless it's a client/customer requirement). You can still have a HSMM designed to align or comply with the standard wihout getting accreditation and plenty of options for independent review of that system to make sure it's actually fit for purpose.
  • HSR Appointment Letter
    Hi Breanna

    AirNZ have an awesome HSR program. It might be helpful to connect with someone from AirNZ on LinkedIn, or through this forum, who may be able to help.

    If you do decide to do a Job Description, those things listed in Schedule 2 Part 1 of the HSWA will need to be considered.
  • HSR Training
    It is a legal requirement to elect H&S Reps if a worker requests it, regardless of what engagement and participation practices are in place (Clause 62).
  • Book recommendations for developing health and safety knowledge
    Like others I highly recommend Paper Safe & Challenging the Safety Quo. Another good one is 'Organising for Safety: How structure creates culture' by Andrew Hopkins. I'd also recommend listening to The Safety at Work podcasts by David Provan and Drew Rae. You can find them on LinkedIn (search for The Safety of Work or connect with David).
  • e-scooters as an approved form or work transport
    Hi Angela
    Are you considering using publicly available scooters or buying your own? If the former, then e-scooters have a plethora of in-built safety features to meet most Council's risk-adverse policies. If the latter, than you could probably get hold of a Council policy and make sure your procurement methods stipulate the same in-built safety features.
    I personnally don't believe e-scooters are any better or worse than any other transport. It's how you use, or abuse, them that causes issues and given your workers won't be riding drunk after a big night out (hoepfully) I'm not sure why they would be seen as "dodgy".
  • Having an accident Investigation scale dependent on the event
    Hi Crissy
    I would definitely recommend a tiered approach to investigations that not only relate to your company's risk appetite, but also your strategic goals. Let me know if you want an example procedure that outlines what I'm talking about and I'll hunt something down for you.
  • Mental Health / Wellbeing Policy
    Along with the Te Whare Tapa Wha model as a basis for your Policy, I'd highly recommend checking out the 'Guarding Minds at Work' resources available at https://www.guardingmindsatwork.ca/ . It's has incredibly valuable resources, including the ability to conduct a survey so your business can work on things that will really have an impact (NOTE: You don't have to do the survey to use the resources).